Chill Out! Summer eCookbook
Your go-to Ayurvedic summer recipes to keep you cool, refreshed, and pitta-balanced!
You crave salads all summer but know that they're not great for your digestion.
And the last thing you want on a steamy summer day is a steamy bowl of kitcharee.
Inspired both by my own necessity to cool myself down here in tropical Mexico and by your requests for fresher, non-Indian Ayurvedic meals, I present to you the Chill Out! eCookbook.
Whether it's summer or you're a pitta who can't stand typical Ayurvedic mush any time of year, or you just want to add some new dishes to your Ayurvedic repertoire, this eCookbook is for you.
These recipes will satisfy your desire for freshness, are easy to digest, will quench your thirst, won’t keep you in the kitchen for too long, and are delicious!
The Chill Out! ecookbook includes…
20 delicious summer recipes
5 cooling drinks
3 summer breakfasts
8 savory mains & sides
2 chutneys & sauces
2 summer desserts
Color photos for almost all the recipes
A detailed intro section where you’ll learn how summer heat affects both digestion and the doshas, general principles for summer cooking and eating, foods to favor and foods to reduce, and more
Summer is about to get way more delicious.
The cookbook is in a PDF format so you’ll get instant access and can start cooking today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Especially if you are a pitta type or have pitta imbalances.
Unlike most Ayurvedic cookbooks, these recipes were inspired by cuisines from around the world and don’t have an Indian feel. They’re meant for a Western palate that has a taste for international flavors.
No; most ingredients can easily be found in your normal market. There are a few specialty items like coconut aminos (tamari could be substituted), vanilla powder, vermicelli noodles and rice paper wraps, which you’ll either find in your local market or online.
The recipes are actually vegan, dairy free and gluten free—which wasn’t intentional; summer lends itself to this lighter diet! Several of the dishes would be delicious with grilled chicken or salmon, so non vegetarians can adjust accordingly.
Oh yes, I had YOU in mind when I made this cookbook. I have done my best to make the recipes easy while still being tasty. And, cooking simply takes time. This is as fast as it gets (and many of these recipes cook up in a quick 20 minutes). Think of it this way: the time you invest in the kitchen is never wasted… feeding yourself well will feel amazing and give you wellbeing.
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